Shige Chan Land ・シゲチャンランド
Located South of Kitami along route 240 is the incredibly interesting Art theme park known as “Shige Chan Land”.
Mr Shigenari Onishi, a famous artist who once illustrated the record jackets for the likes of Herbie Handcock & Ryuichi Sakamoto, has since retired from working in Tokyo and returned to his hometown to open and run a private museum. Each room of the musuem has a different theme & is said to stir different emotions when inside.
Also open in Winter, the season is dedicated to making interesting works. Visitors are encouraged to join in too.
Nearby there is also a lovely sweets shop which Mr Onishi also designed. Try the Anko with cream “Kuma Yaki”. Rich and tasty.
[shig chan land English site]
Special thanks to Jong-nam Itami for the story and pictures
道東・津別町の山奥(といっても阿寒湖畔からなら車で20分ちょい!)、相生地区の国道240号沿いにある #シゲチャンランド 。
至近の「道の駅あいおい」で人気のお菓子「 #クマヤキ 」も、シゲチャンデザインによるものです。生クマ(アンコと生クリーム入り)が美味しいですよ〜