Hasubakori ice ・ 蓮の葉氷

Special feature of winter in Kushiro 「蓮葉氷」”Hasu(Lotus) bakori(Leaf Ice)” in Japanese.

In Kushiro where the lowest temperature can reach around -10 °, every day you can feel the bite of the cold and think that it would be a bad idea to go outside.
However I would like to introduce something that can only be seen during winter. Ice art.

“Lotus Leaf Ice” is a state where the sea surface is frozen.
I first learned, while using Instagram, this scene seems to be like one of Northern Europe or Russia.
I heard that it is called “pancake ice” in English, but is that true?
If so, I think that it is a lovely name!

It increases as it gets colder and interestingly becomes sherbet like.It is exactly the art that makes you feel the winter nature.

This picture was taken 2016/12/9.(https://www.instagram.com/p/BNv1lqshEGw/?taken-by=solfa1211 )
Although it is sherbet-like now, I am looking forward to it getting bigger with the cold.

Article by: Yukari (https://www.instagram.com/solfa1211/ )

Additional notes:
2016/12/23 https://www.instagram.com/p/BOCiaTEhK8U/?taken-by=solfa1211
2016/01/02 https://www.instagram.com/p/BOwVFhmhmHb/?taken-by=solfa1211



これは、「蓮の葉氷」といって、海面が凍った状態のことを言います。インスタグラムを始めてから知ったのですが、北欧やロシアでもこの光景が見られるようで、英語では、pancake iceと呼ばれると見聞きしたのですが本当でしょうか?


写真は、12/9に撮影したものです。(https://www.instagram.com/p/BNv1lqshEGw/?taken-by=solfa1211 )



2016/12/23 https://www.instagram.com/p/BOCiaTEhK8U/?taken-by=solfa1211
2016/01/02 https://www.instagram.com/p/BOwVFhmhmHb/?taken-by=solfa1211

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